How To Use Amazon KDP & ETSY To Build Your Email List — Even When People Don’t Buy At First.

5 min readJan 26, 2022

One of the worst things about selling on Amazon KDP and ETSY to a lesser degree is that neither one automatically builds an email list for you. Heck, at Amazon you don’t even know your customers by name!

Make these or any platform mad for any reason (or no reason at all) and you’re instantly out of business — unless you had the foresight to build your own email list.

Here’s how to do that!

Note: I’ll mostly just talk about Amazon, but you could do the same with every ETSY listing as well.

Turn Your “Blah Blah” Front Matter Into A Sales Offer!

So what this method requires you to do is use the FRONT MATTER of your KDP book to your own advantage.

Instead of just the usual “blah blah copyright, blah blah author, blah blah disclaimer” and so forth, you are going to ADD something that’s going to benefit YOU!

You’re going to add an OFFER your audience might like.

And hopefully they’ll take you up on it.

This offer is a REASON why someone would take a moment, go to your offer and sign up to your email list and even make a small purchase… whether they buy that book of yours or not!

You arrange all this so that when people “look inside the book” they see your “offer”. A certain number will take you up…




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